Buffalo Spirit Rawhide Drum Kit on Cedar or Maple Hoop

from $120.00

These drums are made with a four spoke central handle in honor of the medicine wheel and the gifts of the four directions. Buffalo specifically carries the energy of abundance and is a very masculine, grandfatherly feeling drum. Buffalo drums are traditionally used in sweat lodges because the strength and thickness of the hide makes them more durable in conditions that can be difficult for drums. These drums tend to be deep and thumpy without much resonance or harmonic response.

These drums are always scalloped because of the thickness of the hide. They require some muscle for best results.

This kit includes a pre-cut and punched rawhide buffalo drum head, hand cut lacing, your choice of a cedar or maple hoop (we recommend using maple with Buffalo because it is a very strong hide), a beater kit in your choice of colors, and full color instructions. It is not suitable for children without a lot of adult help.

Beater Color:
Hoop Diameter:
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